NPS Newsletter

Week 3 Term 1

A Message From The Principal

Mrs Claire Allen

It is such a pleasure and a privilege to have the opportunity to relieve in the Principal role for 2023, while Mrs Tame is on leave. I have been a passionate advocate of our students and their families since 2011 and look forward to working with our school community to continue making improvements that enrich our students’ academic, social, cultural, and sporting education.

Our staffing team is exemplary and the programs, including High Potential and Gifted Education groups, Music, Robotics, Language and Cultural, as well as curriculum-based learning ensures our students are recieving a well-rounded schooling experience. I’m looking forward to working with our families throughout the year.

Upcoming Events

Families & Community invited to attend

Permission Note required

Week 4


  • Leaders Induction Ceremony @ 9.30 am


  • Infants Sports Day




  • Primary Sports Day
  • Zone Swimming Carnival

Narrabri Public School

Family Noticeboard


Reminder - Welcme To My Classroom Note

To assist our staff in getting to know your child don't forget to return our welcome to my classroom note.

Leadership Induction

Monday 13th February 2023 - 9:30 am

Infants COLA


Reminder - Band Note

Students who would like to participate in the band this year, please return your notes by 17th February. Please see Miss Kelaher for more information.

Welcome back to term 1

It has been an exciting first week at Narrabri Public School and all students have settled back quickly into school routines. Our Year 6 students have been standouts as leaders of our school community, lending a hand and setting a high standard for our other students to live up to. We welcome new staff Mr Mark Rottger (absent from photo above), Miss Meredith Smith and Miss Juliet Burnham, as well as welcoming back Miss Paige Devine and Miss April Lemon. Our staffing teams have been diligently learning about the pedagogy of Berry Street Education Model school-wide, and InitiaLit in Infants. We look forward to updating our school community on these new initiatives throughout the year and invite our families to attend the parent information night on Tuesday 21st February.

Click Here Button with Hand Pointer.

"You should eat your pasta if you want to swim faster"

NPS Swimming Carnival 2023

A Day At The Pool

Yesterday, primary students participated in our annual

swimming carnival at the Narrabri Pool. It was a successful day on all accounts from age races and house relays, to students taking a dip in the Splash Pool.

Once again, the grandstand was packed with a sea full of green, red, yellow and blue as students cheered on their house mates using their best war cries. The sportsmanship was exemplary and it was heartwarming to hear each house encouraging their teammates to the end, no matter what their position in the race.

Click Here Button with Hand Pointer.

Events like the swimming carnival are not possible without the effort from our incredible organising committee. A huge shout out to Miss Dudman, Miss Glass and Miss Bollen for going above and beyond to make this day a success. Thank you also to all staff who attended the carnival. Your positivity and organisation ensured this day was a success for all participants.

NPS is the convenor of the Zone Swimming Carnival to be held next Friday, 17th February at the Narrabri Pool. Students who placed 1st and 2nd in their event will compete at the Zone Carnival. Further information and permission notes will be given to these students before the day. If there are any parents who are able to lend a hand with setting up or packing up, time keeping or the P&C BBQ, please let the office know on 6792 2246.

Congratulations to Barwon who were crowned Champion House of the day, and to Wilga who were the runner ups. It was a tight race, with only 2 points of difference.

Congratulations also to our age champions and Runners Up

Seniors Girls: Champion: Serena Malcom Runner Up: Elsie Barton

Seniors Boys: Champion: Jackson Hayne Runner Up: Hunter Barrett

11 Years Girls: Champion: Ashlyn Saunders Runners Up: August Downs and Chloe Cameron

11 Years Boys: Champion: Jayden Russell-Towney; Runner Up: Aiden Palmer

Junior Girls: Champion: Zoe Malcolm; Runner Up: Charlie-Lea Hulbert

Junior Boys: Champion: Andre Leculier Runner Up: William Hayne.

House Captains 2023

Kobi Rule and Chelsea Clarke


Jackson Hayne and Elsie Barton


Ellaouise Dewar and Maximus Dennis Kurrajong.

Cooper Mason and Emily Atkins Nandewar

New staff

This year, Narrabri Public School is excited to welcome new staff, including Miss Meredith Smith on Year 1 and Miss Juliet Burnham undertaking a practicum placement with Miss Keeley Glass on 6G. Mr Mark Rottger will be providing executive release to Mr Travis Heffernan on 6H two days per week and we welcome back Miss April Lemon who will be teaching 4A for Term 1 while Miss Ashleigh Smith is on leave. We also welcome back Miss Paige Devine who will be working in a Learning Enrichment Officer (LEO) role. As our community was advised towards the end of 2022, Mrs Marion Tame has take a year’s leave and Mrs Claire Allen will be relieving in the Principal’s position for 2023. Our enthusiastic and passionate team of staff eagerly anticipated the return of students

Changes underway at NPS

On the second day of our Staff Development Days, Narrabri Public School was fortunate enough to secure the first session in a 2-year cycle of professional learning for our staff; The Berry Street Education Model. The Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) is a practical approach to teaching and learning that enables teachers to increase engagement with students; meeting their learning needs and successfully improving all students' self-regulation, growth and academic achievement. The disruptions of the past few years have been keenly felt by all, and we have decided to proactively address the ever-changing needs of our students. The NSW Department of Education’s Wellbeing Framework outlines our commitment for children and young people; including strengthening their cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development. Berry Street Education Model will support our community to uphold this commitment, fostering our students to reach their full potential through a holistic and well-rounded educational experience. We look forward to sharing this journey with our families.

Parents invited back into school

We welcome and encourage our families back onto school grounds this year. Parents are welcome to attend Monday assemblies, Wednesday Primary and Infants assemblies, celebrations and commemorative events. It has been lovely seeing parents back helping around our school community, including reading and canteen helpers.

Kindergarten Begins

Our new kindergatern students commenced their learning journey at ‘Big School’ on Wednesday, and have been like ducks to water; thriving in their nuturing learning environment and enjoying the many adventures available in our school playground. Over the next few weeks they will undertake their Best Start Assessments, as well as pre-assessments as part of the InitiaLit program. The kindergarten team will then use this data to tailor learning expreuiebces to meet the needs of their students. This information will also be shared with parents to help them join us on their child’s learning journey; fostering a love of learning and promoting every child to achieve their personal best!

P&C News

The Narrabri Public School Parents and Citizens Association is an important part of the school environment and aims to raise funds and to provide resources for the school, as well as provide an avenue to find out information and raise issues with the principal and the staff. Everyone is welcome to join.

We are involved in a wide range of activities from running

the canteen to running the Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls, fruit days, BBQs at sports carnivals and other events. All these events need your support to make them happen. The P&C meets a few times a term at 6pm in the school grounds. You can also link in with a Zoom link.

An invitation to attend is sent out to our school community at the beginning of the week, reminding families and providing the weblink. You can also bring along your children and there are activities to keep them entertained while you enoy the meeting. Even if you cannot attend meetings, please feel welcome to lend a hand throughout the year at our various events and fruit days, or in the canteen.

If you need any information on the P&C please talk to

one of the committee members or get in touch with the President, Mrs Cassie Woolford. We look forward to seeing you there.

Have you Downloaded our app?

This is an important communication tool used by the school and a must-have for any parent, carer, grandparent or interested community member to stay up to date with what's happening in our school.

Download in the Google store or Apple app store

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